Benjamin- The donkey, the oldest on the farm.
Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher- The three dogs.
Boxer- The male horse on the farm.
the Cat- She is lazy as any cat would be.
Clover-The female horse of the farm.
the Dogs-The nine puppies.
Frederick- The owner of the Pinchfield farm.
Jones- The owner of the Manor Farm.
Minimus-A pig with “a remarkable gift for composing songs and poems.”
Mollie-The white mare that draws Jones’s trap.
Moses- Mr. Jone's snitch or "special pet."
Muriel- The white goat.
Napoleon-One of the leaders among the pigs.
Old Major- A prize Middle White boar that the Joneses exhibited under the name “Willingdon Beauty.”
Pilkington-The owner of Foxwood farm.
Pinkeye-A pig that Napoleon enlists as his taster.
the Sheep-The sheep are loyal to the tenets of Animal Farm.
Snowball-One of the leaders among the pigs.
Squealer-The best known of the porker pigs.
Whymper-A solicitor in Willingdon.